“Beyond the wall of the unreal city … there is another world waiting for you. It is the old true world of the deserts, the mountains, the forests, the islands, the shores, the open plains. Go there. Be there. Walk gently and quietly deep within it. And then —
Edward Abbey
Where do YOU walk gently?
They say there are people that gravitate more toward the beach, and there are those that gravitate more toward the mountains. Although, I enjoy a mixture of both, I find myself traveling more and more to the mountains each year.
One reason I travel to the mountains is for hiking/backpacking/fishing each summer with an organization that offers wilderness experiences… Take a look! ===> Voice of Wilderness www.voiceofwilderness.org. The next trip I’m co-guiding is a ladies trip in July 2021! 🙂
I love that no trip or trek are ever the same… And, to be honest(a little confession), as I start each trek, I start with caution, and a wonder of why and how I’m going to actually keep climbing up, and up, and over, and around. But, the answer is never too far behind the wonder… There’s beauty in every direction, the solitude is refreshing, the encouragement from others is always strong, and the feeling of accomplishment is incredible! Also, being able to meet a range of people, with diverse personalities and professions, has become a favorite part of each journey.
In the end, the new accomplishments, and the new friendships made with each trip, is the best reward! I start each trail with caution, and leave with the biggest feeling of ‘I can’t believe I JUST did THAT!’
Where do YOU walk gently, and quietly within? Do your gentle walks challenge you… scare you… bring you a sense of accomplishment… bring you peace & relaxation… ?
The best views really do come after the hardest climbs… in life, and on the mountain…

A fun little list of some things I’ve learned on the trails, in the wilderness…
- The right hiking shoes… ARE. CRUCIAL! Comfort, support, feel dry if they get wet, dry fast, enough room in the toes, etc… Always, always purchase your hiking shoes in plenty of time to practice walking in them. There’s nothing worse than buying new shoes a couple days before the hike and realizing they rub wrong on the trail… Your new shoes may also look like old shoes when you’re done with a long trip.
- Half of a mile in, you’ll wonder why you’re doing this, and if you’ll have the strength to keep walking up, and up, and over, and up the terrain. It’s completely mental. You’ve got this!
- You may have moments of fear when thinking about putting your backpack on, and the hike up, that first morning. It’ll be ok though… a mile in, you’re ready to go! Only put it on when everyone is 100% ready… when every water container is filled, every shoe is tied, every zipper is zipped, bug repellent/suntan lotion applied, glasses/hat/chapstick/water shoes handy, etc…
- You’ll become a pro at putting your backpack on ‘by yourself’ by the 3rd day, or the first day if you’re a pro.
- Using poles when crossing water HELPS a ton! Use the poles! Don’t think you can make that very small jump… you may not make it every time.
- Always put your water shoes on when crossing water, EVEN when it’s low and you don’t think you need to! There’s nothing worse than wet shoes, and socks, especially when you can prevent it.
- Wet rocks are ‘very’ slippery rocks…
- Don’t plan your food when you’re hungry… Never. go. shopping. hungry! Carrying the right amount of food is extremely important, but carrying too much food sucks! … you’ll wonder, ‘WHY did we pack SO much? Do we have to carry this the ENTIRE way? Can we burn the food that was planned for today, tonight if we don’t eat it… because IT weighs SOMETHING…’ Then your conscious hits, as you already know the answers, and wasting food isn’t an option. So… you divide it up, and CARRY the EXTRA food out…
- You can take ‘whatever’ you want in your backpack, BUT you have to carry it the ‘entire’ time. There’s definitely a science to packing light for the trail.
- You get super excited when cooking dinner… 1. You realize you don’t have to carry that food anymore. 2. You’ve finally made it to the camping site for the evening. 3. You can get rid of trash from breakfast, lunch and snacks. Yes, you’ll get excited getting rid of empty wrappers/containers… they weigh something too. 4. You’re absolutely starving.
- The dirt on your bowl/cup from the night before, is just seasoning for your coffee the morning after. Seriously, it won’t bother you after the first night. The 5 second rule turns into the ‘entire time rule’ on the trail. It is what it is… and you’re perfectly ok with it!
- The deet, in bug repellent, will melt the finger nail polish right off your nails. Then you’ll wonder why in the heck you even painted them, and think of alternative natural bug repellents for next time.
- Candy, caffeine, sodium, electrolytes, more candy… YES! Yes! Yes! and more please! chocolate in your GORP, dry gatorade packets, hot chocolate mix, etc… YES!
- Marmots do scream, & shake their fluffy tail at you, and they’re pretty darn cute when they do it. They’re also really curious, and may try to get into your tent if you’re too close to their home…
- When you see wildlife, you may get a sudden burst of energy… you also forget about your legs, the weight of the pack, and you may forget to watch your step… it’s just cool! Although, some people may not get as excited as others. They’ve seen it before… they’ll want to keep moving, and push through. I get excited EVERY time!
- When you’re out of breath, and you breathe through your mouth because the air through your nose isn’t enough, you may get some extra protein from the swarms of gnats you pass on the trail. You won’t know they’re there, until they’re in your mouth, because you’re looking down watching your steps, and trying to breathe. It’s amazing how they’re at just the right height… the height of your head.
- Moleskin is a lifesaver! So are painkillers. Someone will need something at all times of the day. And, the first aid kit is heavy!
- Extra chapstick IS essential! If you lose your only chapstick, it really stinks!
- Rain shoes, rain jacket, sunscreen, bug repellent, pain killers, bandaids, chapstick, other jacket, lunch, snacks, toilet paper, etc… go toward the top of your backpack in the morning. It truly stinks having to dig to the dang bottom of the pack in the middle of the hike.
- Water ,water, water… You never really cared about how much water weighed before… until backpacking. Water is heavy! When you question filling up the water bladder in your backpack, that you access through the tube, because it weighs around 7/8 lbs… DON’T! Don’t let it freak you out, just do it! Then, fill up your water bottle after that! You’ll thank yourself after the first drink.
- You may be disappointed, if you don’t see big wildlife each trip. (From afar, of course)
- Always, always make camp near a water source. It sucks having to walk to get water after you’re already tired. If you’re too tired to push through another mile, when the water source is another mile up, push through anyway!!! You’ll thank yourself, I promise! Hanging water filter bags at camp are awesome, and they’re worth the extra weight in your backpack! Less trips for water, when everyone’s already tired, is a WIN!
- Even though you’re tired after a long hike, you’ll still get a small burst of energy when you’re at camp. Food, rest, fellowship, laughs, campfire, etc 🙂
- You know it’s serious when the beer making trail kit isn’t even worth the weight of the trip.
- Stop and go to the bathroom when you have to. The others can wait. It’s uncomfortable holding it, even a tiny bit.
- Elevation sickness is no joke! It doesn’t matter what shape you’re in, or if you’ve reached those heights before. It affects everyone differently, and can take the toughest, healthiest men/women down. And, it’s amazing to see what a difference it makes when walking back down just 50 feet after it hits.
- You realize the women in old western movies were not as clean and put together as Hollywood portrays… that IS NOT the case. They were dirty.
- Food IS energy… even if you’re not hungry from heat, or exhaustion… EAT! And, you can eat candy 2-3 times a day! candy in your GORP! #winwin
- Vaseline rubbed on your feet, on your sides, or anywhere you foresee rubbing will help with chafing… Vaseline is definitely a friend!
- Throw in one pair of extra socks, after you’re done packing… ONLY one. And undies. Ok, maybe two.
- The smallest rock in your shoe, a blister without treatment, the wrong shoes/socks can ruin your entire day, and/or your entire trip.
- The forest crews, and volunteers, are full of stories, and seem to have the energy of 10 people put together! It’s like they’re super human. Also, I believe it’s the Wilderness Act that prohibits use of mechanized equipment in CO, so that means when they clear trails they can’t use chainsaws.. it’s all done by hand.->SUPER HUMAN<- (they’re trying to change that, I believe)
- Going down the mountain is as hard as going up! Endurance and lungs going up, knees and toes going down… and legs, legs, legs… use those poles… legs, back, legs…
- People tend to open up about their deepest thoughts, and stories, when they’re in the middle of nowhere with strangers.
- BABY WIPES!!! Take more than you think you need. They’re amazing! Don’t leave any on the trail. But, you can bury toilet paper, as long as you don’t leave flags showing ;)(biodegradable)
- Talking about new gear, old gear, the best gear, etc. never stops.
- When you don’t catch any fish, you’ll be disappointed. But, you’ll be happy for your neighbor when they do! We all eat!
- Disconnecting from the fast pace of life, to reconnect, is important. Whether it’s in the middle of the wilderness, or just putting your phone down for a couple of hours.
- You learn personality types really fast when you’re on the trail. You can tell, pretty quick, how the group dynamics are going to work on the trip.
- MINDSET is KEY!!! One step after the other… You’re stronger than you think you are, and can take more steps than you think! Really… you can!!!
- Bathing in a freezing cold river/lake in the middle of nowhere feels absolutely wonderful!!! Even if it takes you 30 minutes to have the courage to fully submerge. Sitting in the sun, & taking a short hike before bathing helps too, if it’s cold!
- You’ll find yourself losing track of time, wondering what day it is after the second day, and you won’t care. Well, other than getting to the campsite before sundown… that’s important.
- PACE yourself! Don’t feel guilty if you’re the last one in line. You’ll have more energy at the end of the day, if you pace yourself wisely. It’s more enjoyable.
- Sharing from the same plate, dirt included, is perfectly ok with new friends.
- Little packets of coconut oil make the world of a difference when cooking trout!… and pancakes… and syrup is heavy!
- Pine beetles are no joke!!! It’s sad to see the amount of dead trees in the San Juan Mountains. But, there is new growth also, which is awesome! (We’re witnessing a 300 year occurrence I heard)
- Watching where you step will help you from not landing face down on the trail. It’s also harder than you think to get up if you fall with a heavy pack on.
- You have to be securely planted when leaning down to tie your shoes with a backpack on, or you’ll topple over! You will be laughed at if you fall. And, don’t try to sit down while on a hill with a pack on! You’ll slide down the hill, and you will be laughed at again.
- If you put people in more landscape pictures, it gives a better perspective. Put people in pictures more. Actually, it’s still difficult getting a perspective with people in pictures. You’ll just have to get out there and see for yourself!
- Don’t run blindly towards the moose. It may run you down.
- When a grown man urinates off of the highest peak of the mountain, he still laughs like a little boy would.
- If you have a water bottle with a filter it’s good to store the filter in the fridge when not using it. Because, mold… gross. Those things are expensive.
- If people see you’re about to do something stupid, that’s not dangerous, they typically won’t tell you. They’ll just watch, and make you the entertainment for the moment. 😉
- When you want to enjoy the view… Stop. Take it in. Look around. Look behind you. The view is just as amazing behind you, as it is in front of you. It’s your trip… enjoy! 🙂
- It’s hard to crawl out of a warm and cozy sleeping bag in the early morning hours, but an early hike makes the afternoon at camp more enjoyable. It’s also nice to climb into a warm sleeping bag on a cold evening.
- Food on the trail is the best food ever… you’ll eat things on the trail you wouldn’t touch at home, AND… you’ll love it! Seriously! The best chicken and rice I’ve ever had was out of a bag(just add water) and canned meat…
- When horses/mules pass you on the trail, they get the right of way, so you’re on the outside, even when on a ledge…
- Soft cheese, from the heat of your pack in the middle of the day, is still cheese, and it’s still wonderful with crackers and jerky.
- You don’t mind your clothes smelling like smoke from the campfire when it’s time to sleep… Keeps the bugs away, and may mask your smell from others.
- When someone takes your picture, you don’t really care what you look like in that moment. No mirror needed. And after, you’re so proud of the accomplishment, you don’t care what you look like when you’re looking at them, either!
- Backpacks never stay in the tent with you, so you better get what you need before you crawl in. It stinks when you realize you forgot something, and you’re comfortable… you have to get dressed again, put shoes on, and walk several feet away to get it, then get comfortable all over again in your little space.
- Ramen noodles on the trail are awesome! (again, I don’t eat them at home) For breakfast, for a warm snack when you get to camp, dinner, anytime…
- Just when you think you see the top of the trek on the trail, you round the corner and reach it, but then see another trek ‘up further’ past that one… It’s deceiving!
- Pine cones come in handy for cleaning your plates and utensils. When gathering wood, gather pine cones for your dishes too:)
- The outdoors, and exercising, are cheaper than a therapist.
- I’m a freak about keeping my hands and nails clean, so by the fifth day it’s time for a real shower… Hot water makes a world of difference!
- Pack vaseline on cotton balls in a zip lock bag… they’ll help clean your fingers, help with dry skin, and also help start fires!
- It WILL rain at some point, maybe even hail. Make sure your rain gear works, ‘in the rain,’ before the trip! When a lot of stuff in your pack gets wet, it sucks having to hold it over the fire to dry that night. Lining the inside of your backpack with a trash bag can help also!
- You may have the best sleep you’ve ever had each night after the hike… or, you’ll get very little… which one are you?
- You’ll want to pack a hammock, then you don’t because you’re thinking ‘extra weight,’ then you regret it when you’re on the trail and wish you suffered through it. Hammocks may be worth the weight! Even better if your neighbor packs it! 😉
- When your eyes are puffy in the morning, from the smoke and exhaustion, you’ll forget all about it over morning coffee and the thought of carrying your pack again.
- Instant coffee in your hot cocoa mix… IS the bomb!!! Or visa versa 🙂
- It truly is easy to get lost if you get off of the trail, EVEN when you leave markers. Seriously! It’s SO EASY!
- Wearing pants when walking, even when it’s hot, will save your legs from cuts and scrapes. The ones that roll up, or convert into shorts, are the way to go! Guys don’t seem to care about their legs as much.
- Encouragement received from others helps with morale. Giving encouragement also helps you!
- It doesn’t matter what position you try to put tights on in the tent… on your back, on your knees, on your stomach, etc… putting tights on in small warm areas, is tough! You’ll become a pro within a couple days.
- It doesn’t matter how well you organize your backpack the first day… you’ll organize it every morning, and evening, afterwards… the 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day, so on…
- Not getting cell service can be a great thing! But, having your phone to take pics is a must! Setting your phone to airplane mode will help save the battery life.
- Replace all batteries with new ones… headlamps, flashlights, etc… solar lights are great too(when the sun is shining)!
- You’ll get light headed blowing up your little sleeping pad that goes under your sleeping bag, but it’s worth it! And, you won’t even care about the noise it makes when lying on it! Although, your neighbor may think it’s a bear at night if you choose to reposition through the night.
- If your sleeping pad springs a leak… cutting foliage, like skunk weed, will help with cushion when you lay it underneath the tent!
- There’s one person that’s grateful for that one person that stops to rest more, when hiking, and they may not admit it out loud… They may admit they were grateful when the trip was over. Then, they’ll thank you. A slow pace is a great pace for everyone!
- When you ask how much further is, and someone says, ‘we’re almost there,’ or ‘it’s right around the corner,’ or ‘only another 1/2 mile up’ don’t believe them. But… Thank them later for the encouragement!
- Trout are still picky! It’s amazing to watch how finicky they are. Make sure you take a variety of flies, even when the fly shop in town gives you a heads up on what’s been hatching.
- You can see static cling on a fleece blanket light up at night.
- Your thumbs can get sunburn too… apply sunscreen everywhere skin is exposed. I wrap my hands around the front straps of my backpack when I walk… thumbs exposed
- The state flower of CO is Columbine, and it’s GORGEOUS!
- If you’re taking a souvenir, a rock for instance, it’s probably best to wait until the last day to pick it up, and carry it. Or, you can stuff it in your neighbor’s pack when they’re not looking;)
- Never take for granted the convenience of a hot shower, clean soft sheets, your pillow and running water!!! And, cheese burgers!
- If your clothes were tight before the trip, they won’t be after!
- It makes for an AMAZING trip when EVERYONE on your trip is a team player. Teamwork!!! Teamwork!!! Teamwork!!!
- Exercise, prepare, exercise, prepare… before a long hike! Your body will thank you!
- You will laugh until your stomach hurts, you may even cry at some point, you may share a secret with a stranger, you’ll learn new strengths and weaknesses about yourself, you will have time for yourself to be still with Him in His creation, you will welcome learning new things from new friends, you’ll be amazed at what you can do physically and mentally, etc…
- Mosquitos!!! And more mosquitoes…
- Some people can poop in the woods… and some people just can’t, even if they’re out there a week. I’d recommend not holding it!
- When you’ve finished the trek, and you’re back in town, you won’t care what you look like, or how dirty you are when you find the closest hamburger and beer! Although, you will quickly find the bathroom and stand there until the water turns hot to wash your hands at least. The locals are used to hikers, so outside seating is great! 😉 It will be the most AMAZING hamburger and beer you’ve ever had, and if you’re someone that doesn’t ever finish a meal… there will be no leftovers with this meal… NONE! You may even want to lick the plate, in front of the locals, that are used to hikers… Also, when you’re back in town, the smell of civilization is enhanced… shampoo, perfume, soap, etc. The town smells like laundry detergent, and food.
- God’s creation is such a beautiful, and incredible, place!
- The best views really do come after the hardest climbs…
- The stories, the laughter, the fellowship, the incredible views, the beauty, the solitude, the EVERYTHING… is worth every single dirty step.
- What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… Except bears! Bears will flipping kill you. And, BEAR SPRAY WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE!!! Carry it at arms reach! Know how to use it! Have a plan!